Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer 2012

In an effort to not suck so much at this whole blogging thing, I've decided to attempt a picture-a-day from my summer vacation this year.  While an already jam-packed vacation may not seem like the best time to add a blogging commitment, I am
nonetheless going to give it a try.  I'm not promising poetic waxing; but, at the very least, a photo representing something about the day.  I think I can manage that much.

I actually have 2 pix to post today (a fortuitous beginning)!  Vacation started with our flight being delayed by almost 2 hours.  We made the most of it in the lounge.

I really must get better at this self portrait thing

First stop this summer is my hometown Calgary for 4 days.  Seeing the mountains always means I'm almost home.

Somewhere between (and over) Vancouver & Calgary

Stay tuned for some likely food pix… I have big plans for vegan cheese & ice cream this summer.

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