Friday, October 7, 2011


Wow!  Sure did fall off the update-your-blog wagon.  Well, not forgotten, just gone for a little bit, but I'm still here.  And, just in time for VeganMoFo.  Well, I'm a week late for that, too, I guess, but, better late than…

What IS VeganMoFo you ask???  The idea is,
for the month of October, to blog as much as possible about vegan food.  Ergo: Vegan Month of Food.  For more info see .  So I've missed the first week, plus a million other things I've been meaning to post, but I'm doubly determined to make up for it.  Not that I intend this to be a vegan foodie blog. There are far too many great ones already out there to compete with (see the "Blogs I Know" in the right hand column).  Just a small sampling of my love of all-things-vegan for the rest of the month, in addition to the usual notes from around.

Autumn in Incheon

I've heard so many Koreans say that autumn is the best time of year in Korea and, so far, I have to agree. It's pretty freakin' fantastic.  Perfect temperature, lovely scenery, and the produce section is brimming with beautiful bounty, and great prices.  This week, it's persimmon season!

Persimmon?  Sharon Fruit?  Kaki???

I LOVE persimmons.  I discovered them when I lived in Prague in 2005; but the ones I bought once back home in Canada never tasted as good.  And they really didn't taste good in the Gulf.  But Korean persimmons are fantastic.  And rightfully so: apparently Korea is the world's second highest persimmon-producing country!  Who knew?  I picked up the lovely bunch shown above for 2 bucks at my corner grocer.  I won't be regaling you with recipe ideas though.  I just pull off the stem, slice 'em into wedges, and gobble them up.  I imagine they'd go nicely into my morning smoothie, but they always seem to go directly from the cutting board into my mouth instead.  That said, as pumpkin puree is a little hard to come by in these parts, I may try my hand at this persimmon pudding for Thanksgiving dessert  Stay tuned…

Oh, and in Korean they are called: 홍시 [hong-si].  Here is a cool afternoon sky, seen on my way to Korean class a few weeks ago.

1 comment:

Journaling Life said...

Oh how I would love to taste a persimmon! And, that sky is magical. One more thing, how many languages do you speak comfortably now?
Korea sounds wonderful.