Thursday, October 18, 2012

Domo arigato and the latest science...

Alas, once again this year my best vegan MoFo blogging intentions are being thwarted.  In addition to final exams this month, I've also been completing the Korean work visa process.  And I'd no sooner written my last exam (yay!) when

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The End is Near...

I haven't really fallen off the Vegan MoFo blogging wagon already; I swear.  But I'm in the final countdown for final exams, so all other (read as: more fun) activities have to take a back seat until it's all over on Tuesday.  That said, in between pulling my hair out over

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Vegan MoFo again!  Seems like I was just blogging about this, can't believe it's already been a year. Maybe it's just because I haven't actually written that much since last October -I'm not so hot at this blogging thing.  Really, I don't know if it's for me.  But, I'm going to give it another try for MoFo anyway, seems as good a time as any, and I love talkin' about all things vegan.