Thursday, October 18, 2012

Domo arigato and the latest science...

Alas, once again this year my best vegan MoFo blogging intentions are being thwarted.  In addition to final exams this month, I've also been completing the Korean work visa process.  And I'd no sooner written my last exam (yay!) when
I had to take a last-minute trip to Japan.  Not complaining mind you.  I'd never been to Japan, despite living right next door for over a year.  Though I didn't find time to blog while there, I did of course gather photographic evidence of my adventures.  Here are the highlights.

Very first taste sensation: grilled avocado.  GREAT idea!

Sake, sake, sake, as far as the eye can see...

Yuba chips.  Lovin' Japanese cuisine!

Fresh roasted chestnuts at the Nishiki market in Kyoto

And oodles & oodles of noodles.

I ate A LOT of noodles.

Aside from the eating & drinking, the sites & sounds of Japan were delightful too. Particularly Kyoto, which felt a little surreal in it's order and peacefulness.  And, perhaps most important of all, I left after 4 days with my Korean work visa in-hand!

In other recent news, check out this study published last month about the link between egg consumption and heart disease.  This is seriously damning evidence against the wisdom of ever eating eggs.  I think many egg-eaters will be inclined to respond to this news with results from other studies claiming the health benefits of consuming the eggs of other species.  It seems we're constantly bombarded with conflicting evidence about the health hazards or advantages of eating some food or another.  This newest study is an excellent example of the importance of actually questioning the source of that "evidence".  This study was conducted by three renowned medical researchers.  And those studies touting the advantages of eggs?  Generally sponsored by the egg industry.  Kathy Freston spells  it all out beautifully here.  The quick version: Who are you going to believe?  Scientists in "business" to research and protect human health?  Or "scientists" in business to protect the egg industry?  As always I would say, do what you want -just don't force your eggs on me.  But if you are going to choose to consume eggs, let's just call it what it really is.  Eat them because you like the taste; but let's not pretend it's because studies show it's medically a good idea; because the valid research reveals that just ain't so.

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