Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Vegan MoFo again!  Seems like I was just blogging about this, can't believe it's already been a year. Maybe it's just because I haven't actually written that much since last October -I'm not so hot at this blogging thing.  Really, I don't know if it's for me.  But, I'm going to give it another try for MoFo anyway, seems as good a time as any, and I love talkin' about all things vegan.

For more MoFo info, I highly recommend checking out their site, they've posted a TON of terrific links. Many MoFo bloggers make up themes for the month and there are some great ones this year, including all-things-Canadian, and Buffy-themed vegan eats! (Those who know me know the latter will be where I'm loitering this month.)

For my own contribution, though I missed posting yesterday (surprise, surprise), I do have pictures of the awesome feast I partook of last night, in our discovery of yet another Arabic restaurant here in Incheon. Actually, this one is Arabic/Indian, and it was delish. The owners are Jordanian, so you know the mutabbel was divine, and the veggie curry wasn't half bad either.

Falafel, mutabbel, biryani rice & taboulleh

Curry and naan.  The serving dishes reminded us of living in the middle east.

Though I'm in the midst of final-exam-hell, I'm oddly keen on experimenting with new recipes lately (some call it procrastination -I prefer study therapy). Made a scramble with the new Vegg last weekend, but I screwed up the proportions and it was a total flop so I shall speak of it no more. Tonight however, I whipped up a delightful corn salad sandwich, adapted just slightly from Vegan Stoner's recipe, which was a total win.    

In other, only slightly related news, C & I spotted this in Gyeongridan last weekend, just opened up.

They do have a "veggie poutine", though of course it's not vegan (vegan cheese cannot be had in Korea ☹).  But they sell Canada Dry!

Stay tuned… persimmon season in Korea is nigh!

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