Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Island Time

Yesterday was a travel day, from Alberta to Ontario, and although it all went perfectly smooth, I did not manage to photograph any of it.  But, since my
photo-a-day summer project has been more like 2-photos-a-day, I think it's all balancing out in the end. Today was a day of chores, rewarded at the end by finally arriving on Manitoulin Island.  We were welcomed by big skies over big water.

Setting sun, Manitoulin style.

As further reward, my presence online this minute confirms that our new wifi hub does indeed provide internet in this former deadzone.  I love my nature getaway; but I also love my world wide web. And some of us still have homework to complete all summer.

Hope to post more island pix tomorrow. In the meantime, the following are for all my Korea expat friends.  I swear I'm not bragging, but I know you can relate to my excitement over avocados & watermelon at Costco today.

Same Costco bag of five: half the price

These are more like ⅓ the price!

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